A great place to start for EMCOMM Training is through FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute. Even if you opt to do ARRL Emergency Communications courses (EC-001 and EC-016), you will still need to take some of these courses as pre-requisites. Recommended order of Independent Study Courses:
Radio Operator IV
- IS-100.b Introduction to Incident Command System, ICS-100
- IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction
Radio Operator III
- IS-200.b ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
- IS-800.b National Response Framework, An Introduction
Radio Operator II
- IS-120.a An Introduction to Exercises
- IS-235.c Emergency Planning
- IS-288 The Role of Voluntary Agencies in Emergency Management
- IS-130 Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Planning
- IS-315 CERT Supplemental Training: The Incident Command System
Radio Operator I
- IS-230.d Fundamentals of Emergency Management
- IS-240.b Leadership & Influence
- IS-241.b Decision Making & Problem Solving
- IS-242.b Effective Communications
- IS-244.b Developing and Managing Volunteers