NCS and LOG Info

A Snapshot of a LOG page in Net Control Manager

Two requirements for higher level ARES Task Books are to be able to perform as a Net Control Station (NCS) and be able to support a net as Alternate Net Control Station (ANCS) or net Logger (LOG). Guidance for both NCS and LOG have been provided under the new Operations tab on the menu. Click Operations for more information.

Although we have assigned NCSs for our Sunday and Thursday nets, these nets are open for others to try their hand at each of the positions (NCS, ANCS, and LOG). You are encouraged to step up to be NCS at least once per quarter. Every net needs a LOG. Feel free to step up to that task each time. If you are an early volunteer, we will walk you through the procedures during net so others can learn and watch.

Being an NCS is one of the most fun and fulfilling roles you can do. It sharpens your skills as both NCS and net participant. After you’ve been an NCS, you’ll have an appreciation for participating stations who operate well in a net and can adopt improvements in your own procedures during your next net check in.

When you’re ready to try being an NCS, please contact the assigned NCS ahead of time. They will become your ANCS for the net and help you through any nuances that may come up. If you want to LOG, please be on the net frequency at least 10 minutes before net, let the NCS know before the net that you will LOG, then follow the procedures on the Net Control Manager (LOG) guidance page.