Direction Finding Test #2 – Update

Just a reminder: For those participating in the July 6, 2023 Direction-Finding Test #2 [Pre-SET 2023], there will be a short instructional briefing at 17830 hours, Pilgrim Community Church, 5th & Arch, Leavenworth. There is no PKARC meeting nor is there an ARES Thursday evening net.

The Set Up: The plan is to use three teams of 2 or 3 for Field Teams A, B and C.  We’ll also need a “Plotter Team” to remain at the church.  We can use anyone who is interested regardless of directing finding experience.  Should be a fun evening and the Test should be completed within 2 hours.

What You’ll Need: Some driving is involved.  Bring your VHF direction-finding kit and a magnetic compass if you have either.  Also, a second radio is handy.  A hand held for direction finding and a mobile for keeping in contact with the Plotting Team would work just fine.  Those with our “Golden-99” programmed into their radios will be lightyears ahead of the game.

What Will Happen: Our task is to determine the location of a transmitter using a triangulation method.  This will require good communication and coordination in addition to some direction-finding skills.  Once we’ve narrowed the area down by plotting Field Team observations on a map, we’ll perform a coordinated “pounce” on the location.  This is not a typical fox hunt where the object is to be the first to find the hidden transmitter.  This is a communications exercise to see if we can get everyone to the transmitter together.

See you at 1830 hours.

73 de Rick, NJØP